Saturday, August 22, 2015

Fresh Food

Here it goes!  I'm jumping back into blogging after a long absence.  It is a food blog, and what ever else I decide. I read a lot of blogs on food.  They all have something to offer.  However; when reading one of the food blogs I came across a post where the blogger stated that she didn't eat the food she baked and blogged about.  What!?!?  It was like finding out that Santa isn't real.  I was crushed. 

What ever food I post here you can rest assured that I have eaten it!  I have made it or I will state that I am at a restaurant etc.  I am not trained in any sort of culinary arts.  I am a home cook that loves food.  I mean I think about it ALL of the time.  I am eating breakfast and planning lunch and dinner and perhaps two or three other meals. 

There is no special diet I follow, IE: gluten free.  I LOVE green chile and that makes my life complete. That and garlic.  That makes my life complete.  Well, green chile, garlic and onion.  (you get the picture).

This picture is of my haul from the farmers market last night~ 
The above photo is produce from my brothers garden.
LOVE all of it!
I will post photos as I eat and use it up. 

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